Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

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Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus var den största utannonseringen under Bethesdas E3-presskonferens, och vi vet att ni såklart vill få veta mer om det. Därför haffade vi Machine Games creative director Jens Matthies för att prata om nazisternas övertagande av 50-talets Amerika.

"That's been just the most fun thing about this project from an art perspective, just how they took over the US over a decade ago, so they've had quite a lot of time to figure out how they're going to get these freedom-loving people into submission, right. So they're doing a lot of subversion of the Americana style and thereby slowly, slowly shepherding the people into totalitarianism."

Diskussionen gled även in på mer spelmässiga saker och nyheter kontra föregångaren där Matthies sade:

"We've completely overhauled the whole first-person experience. So we've had a dedicated team just working on first-person, first-person combat, everything, to make that as immersive as... that authentic feeling as possible. We're grounded, you know, it's not like we're going for high realism but we're going for high emotional realism."

Han ger några exempel på hur denna realism utökats:

"Now we have a full body, you look down, you see your feet, you see the rest of your body interacting with the environment, it's a very big push. The other thing is you can now also dual wield weapons independently. In the first game you could dual wield but only the same weapon type, but now you can dual wield both and that's an interesting challenge both in terms of production, because you have to support a million different animations with reloads and so forth, it balloons very quickly. But it's also an interesting user interface challenge to make it really rapid to select those weapons, but we feel like we have a really good solution now for that and I'm very excited about the feel of the first-person experience."

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Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

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Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

RECENSION. Skrivet av Kim Orremark

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