Firefighting Simulator

Såhär fungerar elden i Firefighting Simulator

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Firefighting Simulator är på väg till PC och kommer låta dig släcka digitala bränder i stora lass. Våra brittiska kollegor snackade nyligen med teamet om spelet och här är vad de hade att förtälja:

"Well the thing for us is, firefighting is a really complex task, so it requires a multitude of people working together in order to extinguish a fire - no single person is able to do that - and one of the keys is that you have several people fighting fires, so that means we have multiplayer and our AI has to be able to cope with rather complex tasks."

Just eld är ju annars en inte helt oväsentlig del i ett spel av denna typ, och såhär sade han om bränder:

"The second thing is, fire's really important. Fire has to be simulated in some kind of believable way. We've simplified the world a bit and said 'okay we have real 3D assets which look good and which you can see', and we give additional information to them like, for example, we have a setup where we have boxes, those are 3D boxes, that are associated with the 3D mesh, and those are spawned alongside the surface of the mesh, and the level designer can tell it 'oh, that's wood, yes, concrete, concrete doesn't burn', and when the fire reaches it it reads that behaves accordingly."

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Firefighting Simulator

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